ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov Sends His Greetings on Victory Day

ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov Sends His Greetings on Victory Day

Dear professors and students, employees and partners of Astrakhan State University! Dear veterans! I would like to send you my cordial greetings on the anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War.

77 years ago, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers met this day with a smile on their faces and tears in their eyes. They rejoiced at the liberation of the country and remembered all those who did not live to see this day. Since then, we have annually celebrated Victory Day, which is a symbol of pride, courage and peace.

We will always remember the heroes who selflessly fought at the front and supported the national spirit in the rear. We express our gratitude to the veterans who showed stamina and courage during the Great Patriotic War, thus demonstrating their love for the Motherland.

Our duty is to preserve the historical memory of those years, of the feat of our country, and to pass it on to future generations. We will keep doing our best to keep it strong, united and free.

May this day be filled with smiles, warmth of mutual respect and pride for our people. Happy Victory Day!

Konstantin Markelov,

Rector of Astrakhan State University