ASU Opens the First Caspian Festival-Competition of Startup Projects

ASU Opens the First Caspian Festival-Competition of Startup Projects

Today, Astrakhan State University has held an online opening ceremony of the event which will last up to May 16. The stream was hosted by Aleksey Titov and Artem Petrov, who talked to festival guests from Skolkovo, MariNet Industry Center, Geoscan, Rosmolodezh, National Association for Technology Transfer and the Association of Floating Universities.

The festival is designed to identify and unite active, ambitious young people of the Caspian states, capable of producing new breakthrough ideas in the field of technological and social entrepreneurship. Students of secondary and higher educational institutions with the most innovative and interesting projects will have the opportunity to implement them and receive cash prizes.

The main topics of the projects were announced at the opening of the Caspian Festival — business, medicine, construction, agriculture and many others; their probable risk factors were also considered.

Various issues were raised during a conversation with the guests of the festival. For example, Madina Gueva, Head of the Grant Support Department of Rosmolodezh, spoke about measures to support youth projects of schoolchildren and students.

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations