ASU Professor Speaks at International Conference in Rostov

ASU Professor Speaks at International Conference in Rostov

Research and practice event “The Fourth Technological Order: Cybersecurity and Investigation of Computer Crimes under Conditions of Global Transformation” was held at Rostov State Economic University during the All-Russian Anti-Corruption Forum of Financial and Economic Bodies.

The Dean of the ASU Faculty of Digital Technologies and Cybersecurity, Doctor of Sciences in Engineering, Professor Iskandar Azhmukhamedov joined the programme committee of the conference on behalf of Astrakhan State University.

The following issues were considered during the event:

  • the impact of digitalization on the State, society, and business;
  • current trends in information security and anti-corruption;
  • issues of import substitution in IT;
  • investigation and counteraction to corruption crimes in terms of circulation of digital financial assets;
  • linguistic aspects of ensuring cybersecurity, as well as the issues of organizing breakthrough research in the field of digital technologies and cybersecurity.

In his speech, the representative of Astrakhan State University noted that people have been accumulating real-world experience that ensures their survival in various dangerous situations for centuries. However, such experience has yet to be developed in the virtual world.

Faculty of Digital Technologies and Cybersecurity