ASU Student Invented a System for Determining Manufacturing Defects

ASU Student Invented a System for Determining Manufacturing Defects

Emir Vildanov, a fourth-year student of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Engineering Technology of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, presented his development at the defense of his graduation paper within the Startup as a Thesis programme.

The young scientist created an automated software and hardware system for detecting defects in products and sorting them out during mass production.

According to the inventor, the need for such a startup is caused by the lack of an automated sorting system — a problem being faced by Technology of Magnetic Materials, an Astrakhan enterprise. This company produces various ferrite products which are further used in the electronics industry, like SMD chokes. The human factor causes under- or over-reject, that is why the number of manufactured parts decreases and resources are wasted. The startup has analogues, but at the moment not all enterprises, especially small businesses, can afford the use of foreign expensive automated systems for detecting defects.

As the student notes, this software and hardware system can be used both at enterprises where ferromagnetic materials are manufactured and at other production sites, for example, in the field of pharmaceuticals or packaging production.

A 3D model of the system has already been developed, which will make it possible to visually demonstrate it. The project will continue to develop — it has already won a grant of the UMNIK programme from the Innovation Promotion Foundation, and the young scientist plans to apply for other competitions.

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