ASU Delegation, Headed by the Rector, Arrives in the Lugansk People’s Republic

ASU Delegation, Headed by the Rector, Arrives in the Lugansk People’s Republic

To develop friendly relations and support educational institutions of the territory, representatives of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University are having a working visit at the invitation of the Ministry of Education of the LPR.

Within its framework, it is planned to open a representative office of ASU at Vladimir Dal Luhansk State University, and hold meetings with the leadership of universities in the Luhansk region to continue cooperation within the framework of previously concluded agreements.

Astrakhan State University is represented on the trip by Rector Konstantin Markelov, Vice-Rector for Research Activities Lyudmila Baeva, Vice-Rector for General Affairs and Integrated Security Mikhail Anishko, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology Boris Kaigorodov, Head of the Department of Secondary Vocational and Extended Education Sergey Frolov and Head of the Department of Russian History Aleksey Tyurin.

An important event during the visit will handing certificates of advanced training in programme “Methodological Support for Teaching Russian History at School” to 126 teachers of schools in the Luhansk region.

The free-of-charge training was conducted in the summer by the university staff.

Directorate of International Activities