ASU Foreign Students Take Part in the 7th Caspian Media Forum

ASU Foreign Students Take Part in the 7th Caspian Media Forum

Representatives of the Astrakhan branch of the Association of International Students – communities of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as African countries – organized a vivid and interesting exhibition about the culture and art of the peoples of the world.

Rousing dances, students’ beautiful costumes and ethnic music attracted many spectators to the exhibition stands. Foreign students of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University gained experience in communicating with media professionals, media workers from the Caspian countries and other guests of the forum, shared their experience of studying in our country.


The Astrakhan branch of the Association of International Students has been operating at ASU since 2014, organizing the work of compatriots. Each community participates in assisting foreign students. Students are provided with comprehensive assistance in paperwork, in everyday and housing arrangements, as well as in their inclusion in the educational and extracurricular life of universities.

Directorate of International Activities