ASU Active Work on Implementing UniSCO Programmes Kazakhstan Is Commended

ASU Active Work on Implementing UniSCO Programmes Kazakhstan Is Commended

The rector of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University took part in the meeting of the National Rectorate of the University of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

The event participants considered the main issues of the activities of the UniSCO for 2021-2022 and listened to reports of the coordinating universities in priority areas of training. The meeting participants also discussed the work results and the main challenges partner universities face in the course of implementing joint educational programmes, as well as the ways to address them.

The meeting was moderated by Larisa Efremova, Vice-Rector for International Affairs of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, who made a presentation about the SCO University.

“The meeting participants commended the active work carried out by Astrakhan Tatishchev State University in implementing UniSCO programmes in the Republic of Kazakhstan,” commented ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov.

The meeting participants agreed to develop recommendations for improving the activities of the SCO University, expanding and deepening cooperation with foreign partner universities.

Directorate of International Activities