Space for Creativity: ASU Faculty of Architecture and Design Opens Its Own Exhibition

Space for Creativity: ASU Faculty of Architecture and Design Opens Its Own Exhibition

The official opening of the final reporting exposition of creative works of students of the Faculty of Architecture and Design of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University was held at the Zeughaus museum and exhibition complex of the Astrakhan Kremlin.

The event was attended by art experts: Director of the Astrakhan Museum and Reserve Aleksey Bulychev, Chairman of the Astrakhan branch of the Union of Architects of Russia Dmitry Sokolov and a member of the Union of Designers, a deputy for educational work of Vlasov Art College Elena Miller. They highly appreciated the work of students both in terms of content and design.

The exhibition was also visited by students of Astrakhan State University and other art connoisseurs – residents of our city, who thanked the university and the faculty for organizing the exposition.

Faculty of Architecture and Design