Dmitry Guzhelya Told ASU Students about the Importance of Developing Cross-Professional Competencies

Dmitry Guzhelya Told ASU Students about the Importance of Developing Cross-Professional Competencies

Astrakhan Tatishchev State University hosted an equal-dialogue meeting with the head of the Department of Assessment and Methodology of the Russia – the Land of Opportunities organization.

The students asked the guest questions about the development of cross-professional competencies, the possibility of participating in Russia – the Land of Opportunities projects, personal and career growth. Meanwhile, the first years were more interested in the testing that they will have to take in October 2022 and diagnostic tools. The older students clarified the issues of internships provided by the platform Russia – the Land of Opportunities.

The head of the Department of Assessment and Methodology of Russia – the Land of Opportunities raised the issue of the relevance of cross-professional competencies in the pedagogical industry. Having a Candidate of Sciences in Pedagogy, he noted that a teacher needs to have many important cross-professional competencies, especially the ability to communicate, build relationships with parents and children, and plan their work. Of course, teachers cannot teach what they don’t know themselves, so they need to develop soft skills.

In his turn, ASU Vice-Rector for Digitalization, Innovations and Priority Projects Aleksey Titov added that professional knowledge is not enough today to build a successful career.

Center for Assessment, Management Development and Career Planning

Photo: Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations