Rector of ASU Speaks about Cooperation with Turkmen Universities in the Field of Education and Innovation

Rector of ASU Speaks about Cooperation with Turkmen Universities in the Field of Education and Innovation

Konstantin Markelov has spoken online at the international conference “Healthcare, Education and Sports in the Times of the Revival of a New Era of the Powerful State”, which is taking place these days in Ashgabat.

The scientific event, organized by the authorities of Turkmenistan, was held both offline and online and brought together scientists from leading universities of about twenty countries of the world.

The ASU rector told the conference participants that the university had run the Center of the Turkmen Language and Culture since 2019 in order to create comfortable conditions and familiarize with the traditional values ​​of the Turkmen. The Astrakhan branch of the Association of International Students has been operating since 2014, organizing the work of compatriots participating in the process of supporting students. Citizens of Turkmenistan form the largest community of the association – 44% of all foreign students.

He also said that a cooperation agreement had been recently signed with the Magtymguly Turkmen State University. The implementation of joint initiatives of educational organizations of the two countries will continue, including workshops, seminars, courses, projects, and grants.

Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies Nikolay Vybornov, who was present on-site at the event in Ashgabat, also spoke on behalf of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University. He presented a report on the topic “Practice-Oriented Approach to Learning and Individual Educational Trajectories”.

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