Rector of Astrakhan State University Sends His Greetings on National Unity Day

Rector of Astrakhan State University Sends His Greetings on National Unity Day

Dear friends, associates, colleagues, partners and students of Astrakhan State University! Please accept my sincere greetings on the holiday, which unites the peoples of our great country every year.

This date reminds us of centuries-old traditions that make us feel the pride and love for our country. For Astrakhan Region, National Unity Day is especially important, because representatives of more than 120 nationalities live in its territory in peace and harmony with each other.

ASU annually becomes a platform for holding events dedicated to the cultures of different peoples of the world. International research and applied conferences, master classes, festivals and concerts unite students into one big multinational family every year. I wholeheartedly thank you for striving for peaceful cooperation and strengthening of national accord.

I wish you Happy National Unity Day and hope that the memory of the great history of our country, common goals and values, dignity and respect for each other will live in the hearts of each of you. Be happy and healthy, patriotic and freedom-loving in order to continue to contribute to the development and prosperity of your people, Russia and the whole world!

Rector of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University Konstantin Markelov