ASU and Otkritie Bank Discuss Prospects for Cooperation

ASU and Otkritie Bank Discuss Prospects for Cooperation

Rector of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University Konstantin Markelov held a working meeting with Oleg Mokrausov, the Head of the Astrakhan office of the financial organization; the parties considered the possibilities of implementing joint projects.

Oleg Mokrausov shared his thoughts on the banking industry. He also added that Otkritie Bank is just starting to interact with educational institutions. Thus, ASU is one of the first universities of Astrakhan Region the representatives of the organization turned to for discussing the prospects for joint projects.

Konstantin Markelov noted that Astrakhan State University is open to cooperation. The rector also spoke about examples of its interaction with other banks. For example, the university has a long-term partnership with Sberbank, VTB and Gazprombank.

Viktoriya Sorokina, the Head of ASU Financial Management Department, explained that the university cooperates with financial organizations in completely different areas. This can be, for example, educational activities, including various lectures and workshops held by representatives of banks, or salary projects.

The parties agreed to consider the proposed initiatives in order to decide on the programs they can implement within the framework of cooperation.


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