Scientists of Astrakhan State University Keep Combatting Desertification

Scientists of Astrakhan State University Keep Combatting Desertification

In order to address this global problem, more than four thousand seedlings of drought-resistant plants have been planted in the Kharabalinsky District. This project is being implemented in collaboration with partners within the framework of the Priority 2030 program.

Scientists from the Innovative Institute of Natural Sciences of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University and employees of the regional branch of MTS have taken part in the environmental campaign.

A large desert field is being planted with perennial drought-resistant plants that have undergone special treatment. Despite the infertility of Astrakhan soils, the sowing is carried out with minimal effort. This will help stop the process of desertification in the region.

Andrey Matvienko, director of the MTS branch in Astrakhan Region, spoke about the prospect of using digital technologies that would help to work comprehensively on the problem of desertification. According to him, these can be artificial intelligence, mathematical modeling, Big Data, and the Internet of things.

Such a modern system will help predict areas most prone to desertification. Based on the data obtained, scientists will conduct environmental monitoring, and as soon as they’ve identified violations, they will be able to develop a set of measures for working in problem areas in order to prevent the occurrence of dust storms.

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