ASU International Student Speaks about Migration at International Scientific Conference

ASU International Student Speaks about Migration at International Scientific Conference

The event for students and young scientists was held by the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. Astrakhan Tatishchev State University was represented by Elvira Maharramova, a fourth-year Azerbaijani student of the Faculty of Economics.

Expert and youth scientific communities, participating in the conference “For the Sustainable Development of Civilization: Cooperation, Science, Education, Technology”, discussed the priority issues of our time. Thus, they identified problems and challenges, promising areas for the development of countries and regions of the world, aimed at the implementation of 17 Sustainable Development Goals until 2030.

“International conferences offers you a great opportunity to prove yourself. The conference will results in publication of proceedings, which will contain reports of all the participants, including my report on the topic “Migration Processes in the Context of the Country’s Security”. Events of this kind are platforms for exchanging scientific experience,” the student said.

Preliminary Training Unit for Foreign Citizens