ASU Scientist Helps in Developing an Ecological Route for Nature Reserve

ASU Scientist Helps in Developing an Ecological Route for Nature Reserve

Professor of the Department of Botany, Biology of Ecosystems and Land Resources of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University Aleksey Laktionov has participated in the description of flora and fauna of the region.

Cooperation with environmental organizations of the Caspian region is one of ASU priorities. For example, Aleksey Laktionov, Doctor of Sciences in Biology, Professor of the Department of Botany, Biology of Ecosystems and Land Resources and the head of the Laboratory of Ecosystem and Bioinformatics Modeling, provided assistance in developing a route along the highest point of Astrakhan Region, Big Bogdo mountain. It is an object of ecological tourism and is located on the territory of the Bogdo-Baskunchak Nature Reserve.

In addition to the text for guides, Aleksey Laktionov also provided unique images of rare, endemic and relic plants and animals, listed in the Red Data Book, that are found on Big Bogdo mountain. With the help of this material, stands were designed along the trail of the ecological route; waypoints binding was completed. A photodetector of plants in nature reserve was also released; it includes the data regarding 150 species growing on its territory.

Institute of Physics and Mathematics

Biological Faculty

Photo: courtesy of A. Laktionov, S. Shinkarenko