Prospects of Russian-Korean Cooperation Are Discussed at ASU

Prospects of Russian-Korean Cooperation Are Discussed at ASU

Professor of Kazan Federal University and Head of the REC Korean Studies Сentre Ko Young Cheol has visited Astrakhan Tatishchev State University.

The sphere of his scientific interests includes the study of his fellow citizens living in Russia, including Astrakhan Region. Alongside his research projects, the Professor works to promote the Korean language and establish ties between two countries. He came to ASU for this purpose, got acquainted with the university administration and saw its structure.

The professor visited the Caspian Higher School of Interpreting and Translation, the swimming pool, the science library, and appreciated the university's infrastructure.

During the meeting with ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov, the parties agreed on cooperation and discussed the development of the already existing King Sejong Institute Center of the Korean Language and Culture.

The professor presented the head of the university a gift – a bookmark with a picture of a women’s traditional costume.

The guest also visited the Center of the Korean Language and Culture, where he took part in a master class and got better acquainted with the work of ASU in this area.

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