Educational Master Classes at ASU

Educational Master Classes at ASU

Ñlasses covering various fields of natural and technical sciences have been held at Astrakhan Tatishchev State University within the framework of the Floating University Winter School project.

Students of the Winter School mastered the technique of DNA extraction from the muscle tissue of the gobies at the master class by Tatiana Kuzina, a senior member of the Scientific and Educational Center for Molecular Biology and Bioengineering.

Andrey Tryasuchev, Associate Professor of the Department of Physiology, Morphology, Genetics and Biomedicine of ASU, conducted a master class on spectrometric analysis of water and the fundamentals of atomic-absorption method at the Pre-Caspian Agro-Technological Analytical Center. The program of the event included both theory and practical exercises.

During their practical work, the participants discussed the prospects of using the DNA comet assay in the investigation of the genotoxic effects of chemicals (including pharmaceuticals), environmental pollutants and modern popular pesticides.

Participating in the activities of the Floating University, the students learned about modern oceanology, including ocean and atmospheric physics, hydrochemistry, marine biology, marine geology and underwater engineering, and improved their skills attending lectures on the latest methods in data processing and analysis.

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