ASU Professors and Students Discuss Trajectories of Eurasian Geopolitical Space Development

ASU Professors and Students Discuss Trajectories of Eurasian Geopolitical Space Development

An interuniversity scientific and practical round table was held at the ASU Faculty of Social Communications and involved the Caspian International Discussion Club expert analytics center and the Center for Strategic Studies of Eurasia.

The meeting discussed topical issues related to the transformation of the Eurasian geopolitical space. The meeting was opened by Professor Pavel Karabushchenko with an analytical overview of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s speech of February 21, highlighting the geopolitical aspects and issues of foreign policy interaction.

In his report, Rafik Usmanov, Head of the Department of Political Science & International Relations, focused on the characteristics of the vectors of transformation processes of Eurasian geopolitical space, identified their direction and essence. These topics have received a lively response and were actively discussed by the roundtable participants. Besides, students and PhD candidates in political science presented their reports at the meeting.

Lyudmila Baeva, Vice Rector for Research Activities, held a presentation of the collective monograph Assessing the Impact of Digitalization of Education on People and Safe Learning Environment. The discussion touched on current trends and problems of digitalization of general education, the growing digital divide, and the prospects and risks of transition of education to a digital environment. These issues are extremely relevant in a changing geopolitical situation, as education is one of the strongest resources of society.

Faculty of Social Communications