Final Conference of Festival of Science & Innovations

Final Conference of Festival of Science & Innovations

On April 21-22, the 5th International Scientific & Methodical Conference “Changes in Education in 21st Century: Best International Practices & International Experience. How to Form Innovative & Entrepreneurial Thinking” has been held at Astrakhan State University.

The Conference has been opened by Dr. Inna Akhunzhanova, Director of ASU’s Institute of Strategy & Competitiveness; she encouraged the participants to exchange their experience in the field of implementing CDIO principles into the educational process.

The speech given by Professor Kristina Edström from the Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden) has become one of the key speeches at the Conference. Our Swedish colleague has shared her experience in enhancing the value of studies and in increasing profitability of education; her speech has emphasized professional competences of a teacher. Professor Edström has also given a master class that concerned the development of the main ideas of CDIO.

As for researchers from our University, they have told how CDIO technologies are being introduced into the educational process of ASU. Their reports have concerned application of these standards in such specialties as Mechatronics & Robotics, Equipment & Technology of Welding Production, and Culture Studies. A lot has been said about the cognitive approach in project-oriented studies, about organizational teaching, about the social context of studies, and about experience in forming entrepreneurial thinking.

After the official part of the Conference, the participants have been shown the sights of Astrakhan; they have visited our Leisure Center, as well as the Festival of Students’ Theaters and performances of the Podium project.

Russian original information source: the Innovative Laboratory of Information Linguistics of ASU

Russian original photo source: T.I. Vasilyeva (the TV Media Center of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy