Enjoying Pushkin’s Beautiful Poetry

Enjoying Pushkin’s Beautiful Poetry

Students of Astrakhan State University’s Department of Preliminary Education of Foreign Citizens have visited a concert to reflect the beauty of poetry by Alexander Pushkin, Russia’s greatest poet. This event has been arranged jointly by Astrakhan’s musical school #1 and by the Directorate of Culture of Astrakhan’s city administration.

The concert has been dedicated to the 105th anniversary of Academician Dmitry Likhachov, the outstanding Russian philologist, historian, and philosopher of culture. He wrote a lot about Alexander Pushkin, whom he called “the most Russian poet” and “the superior criterion for human souls”.

The audience was shown a splendid collection of videos that presented Dmitry Likhachov’s photos, as well as his personal drawings of Alexander Pushkin, photos and graphical materials that illustrated facts of Likhachov’s biography. Pushkin’s poetry touched everyone’s most delicate, heartiest feelings. The sincere performance of musical compositions of different genres by students and teachers of the musical school has caused lots of positive emotions and a storm of applause given by the audience.

The audience could not but share their impressions of the event with its organizers and participants during the improvised post-concert meeting. “I could understand better how Pushkin is great and how he is important for Russian people”; “Pushkin’s very interesting and versatile, that’s why he’s so intimate and clear for people of any nation”; “I’ve been really touched with a song a music teacher sang and with Pushkin’s poems that kids recited”; “Poems by the Russian poet Pushkin are closely related to any human’s internal world”.

All those who saw the concert say that they wish such remarkable events became a good tradition.

Russian original information and photo source: N.Yu. Sannikova (the Department of Preliminary Education of Foreign Citizens)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)