April 2014 Meeting of Academic Council

April 2014 Meeting of Academic Council

The meeting agenda has included awards, approval of the development concept of the Institute of Researches & Solutions to Technological Tasks, discussion of the development strategy for agricultural specializations, discussion of the Statute of D.Sc. courses, launch of master programs and small innovative enterprises, renaming of the Chair of Political Science, discussion of increased grants for students, and approval of the suggestion to donate a University building.

The meeting has been opened with granting diplomas of honor issued by the Federal Ministry of Education & Science to Dr. Vorontsova (Head of the Chair of Electronic Mass Media), to Prof. Khrapov (Full Professor of the Chair of Philosophy), and to Mr. Petrov (Head of the Chair of Painting & Drawing).

Dr. Rybakov, Director of the Institute of Researches & Solutions to Technological Tasks, has given a report concerning the development concept of his Institute. After a vivid discussion of this report, the strategy of developing agriculture-related education at ASU has been put under consideration by Dr. Salnikov, Head of the Chair of Agricultural Engineering, Melioration, & Agricultural Ecology.

Dr. Usmanov, Head of the Chair of Political Science, has suggested that his Chair should be renamed into the Chair of Political Science & International Relations.

Dr. Palatkina (Dean of the Department of Pedagogics, Social Work, & Physical Training), and Dr. Natrobina (Deputy Dean of the Department of World Economy & Management) have come up with suggestions to launch new master programs - Social & Cultural Activities and Traffic Logistic Systems respectively.

Dr. Styopkina, Chief of the Academic Methodic Directorate, has proposed to discuss the issues of increased grants for students; such grants are paid as per the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation #945.

Dr. Dakhina, Chief of the Unit of PhD and D.Sc. Courses, has presented the new Statute of D.Sc. courses at ASU to be considered and approved.

Dr. Khramova, First Vice Rector - Vice Rector for Economy, Finances, and Development, has come up with a suggestion to donate Building #10 of Astrakhan State University to the Astrakhan & Yenotaevka Eparchy of the Russian Orthodox Church.

All these suggestions have finally been approved.

Members of the Academic Council have adopted a Decree to launch new small innovative enterprises at ASU: NPP Cluster Plus, NPP KinesioEra, NPP Synergia, NPP Archeoterra, NPP Vayz, NPP Astecotech, and NPP Aquared.

Russian original information source: the Innovative Laboratory of Information Linguistics of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)