Remembering World War Two

Remembering World War Two

A Party of Wartime Poetry for students and the faculty staff has been held at ASU in honor of the 69th anniversary of Russia’s victory over German Nazism.

The event arranged by the ASU’s Trade Union and by the Department of Social Communications has been held in a small comfortable hall of a café at the university campus. Students and their professors were sitting at tables all together with cups of hot tea. The event agenda was based on poems and songs of the war years, as well as on poems written by the participants themselves (that is a traditional integral feature of such parties at ASU).

Family stories told by the participants have been an essential part of the party. Students and professors told how their families lived during WW2 and shared their family photos. As Natalya Reshetnikova, an Associate Professor of the Department of Social Communications, has told, the students were encouraged to study their family histories thanks to the project “Pages of Memory”, which is a part of the discipline “History of Russian Culture” that they had to cover. 1st and 2nd-year-students of the specialty “World Artistic Culture” have taken part in it, as well as our future sociologists and economists. They have studied family and library archives, historical materials related to their native villages, and stories told by older people whom they know. The Party of Wartime Poetry has become an outcome of their unique work.

According to Tatyana Samarets, Chairperson of ASU’s Trade Union and one of the Party organizers, the main goal of the Party was to preserve the memory of the Second World War and to stimulate young people to keep it. While people remember those hard times, they will never happen again.


Russian original information source: Yuri Garanov (the Press Service of ASU)
Russian original photo source: Tatyana Vasilyeva (the TV Media Center of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)