Contest Winners Awarded at ASU

Contest Winners Awarded at ASU

The official ceremony of awarding the winners of the Caspian Interregional Contest has been held at Astrakhan State University. Over 1, 500 people from four Russian regions have taken part in it.

On May 22, ASU’s Department of Preliminary Education has summed up the outcomes of the traditional Caspian Interregional Contest. Students of high schools from Astrakhan Region, Volgograd Region, the Republic of Kalmykia, and the Republic of Adygei have been taking a whole number of tests in ten disciplines. Not all of them could pass the selection tour and become a finalist, but 105 participants have won prizes. As the organizing committee says, nobody could win the 1st place in some disciplines, as the set assignments were very complicated; while in some cases, two participants have gained the 1st place in the same disciplines, thanks to a high level of their proficiency.

The awards ceremony has been held in an official setting: the winners were granted their golden and silver medals by Professor Anna Fedotova, ASU’s Vice Rector for Research Activities, and by Deans of Departments. A lot of warm-hearted words towards teachers who trained the winners have been said. As for our students, they have congratulated the winners by singing and dancing.



Ms. Irina Kolupaeva and Ms. Elvira Aytalieva, who work with the Dean’s Office of the Department of Preliminary Education, have supervised the entire event. They say it is pretty difficult to arrange everything, to check all the participants’ works carefully, and to select the best works. But they have coped with it well, thanks to their nine-year of dealing with it. The first contest was held in 2005; there were less than 200 participants then. As for the current contest, the number of its participants has made up 1, 722 people.

Russian original information source: Yuri Garanov (the Press Service of ASU)
Russian original photo source: Andrey Shevelyov (the TV Media Center of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)