Institute of Continuing Education Discusses Alternative Technologies of Energy Saving

Institute of Continuing Education Discusses Alternative Technologies of Energy Saving

On June 10, 2014, the Institute of Continuing Education of Astrakhan State University hosted the Forum “Renewable Sources of Energy as Alternative Way of Energy Saving”. It has been arranged as a second educational module of studies of those people who are responsible for enhancement of energy efficiency in Astrakhan Region’s budget-financed institutions.

The project is being realized by Astrakhan State University together with the Higher School of Economics of St.-Petersburg State University of Economics; it has been backed by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation. The Forum agenda has included discussion of the most relevant and the most crucial issues of energy saving in Russia in general and in Astrakhan Region in particular.


Owing to Astrakhan Region’s climate, it is solar energy that is one of the most viable ways of energy saving in this area. This issue has been presented by Dr. Rustem Zaynutdinov, Senior Research Officer of the Research & Educational Laboratory “Alternative Energy” that operates at Astrakhan State University. He has also told about achievements gained by the Laboratory in the field of developing and introducing solar and solar wind-power systems to provide autonomous energy saving at a number of facilities in Astrakhan Region’s municipalities.


The report given by Mr. Leonid Filinkov, a Key Specialist of the Heat Energy Unit of the Astraenergoeffekt Energy Efficiency Regional Training Center, has been of special interest for the audience. Mr. Filinkov has concerned application of thermal pumps to supply heat and to condition buildings.


Practical aspects of applying solar collectors for hot water supply for regional institutions and facilities have also been of profound interest. This report has been given by Ms. Aliya Kazarvalieva, an energy auditor.


The Forum participants have obtained relevant up-to-date information from the Danfoss Company. Its rep, Mr. Sergey Zhivolup, has given a report whose theme was “Energy Saving for Heat Supply of Buildings. Ways to Automate Heat Supply of Buildings”. Mr. Zhivolup has delivered a vivid and a comprehensible master class, which has aroused profound interest among specialists who are in charge of heat supply of budget-financed organizations.


Professor Larisa Zaynutdinova from Astrakhan State University has delivered the report “Filling in Energy Declaration”, which concerned techniques of filling in an energy declaration by a person who is responsible for energy saving. Her workshop has made it possible to obtain practical skills of filling in such a declaration, especially with regards to the Federal Law #399-FZ “About Energy Saving & Enhancing Energy Efficiency, & About Introducing Changes into Particular Legislation Acts of Russian Federation”. The declaration makes it possible for an organization to substitute the procedure of running an obligatory energy audit.


According to Professor Zaynutdinova who has emphasized the relevance of energy saving for our Region, interest towards this issue is becoming more and more profound, whereas the level of competence in this field is getting higher and higher. Specialists are becoming aware of importance of energy saving for their institutions, as well as for their home region and for their country.

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)