International Test in French Language at ASU

International Test in French Language at ASU

A methodical seminar “Technique of Preparing & Delivering DELF-DALF International Exams in French as a Foreign Language” has taken place at the Department of Foreign Languages at ASU.

The Seminar has been arranged by the Chair of Romanic Philology in honor of the 50th anniversary of this Chair. Ms. Virginie Tellier, Attaché of the French Embassy to Russia who is in charge of maintaining cultural links in the field of the French language, has told our faculty and students about the current requirements towards examinees wishing to take a DELF-DALF exam; her speech has also concerned the technique of delivering this international exam. Centers of testing in French as a foreign language, which operate in 164 countries all over the world, offer real opportunities to obtain a diploma that confirms a good knowledge of French in accordance with the DELF-DALF standards.

As for Astrakhan State University, its Center of Testing in French as a Foreign Language has been operating since early 2014. Over 30 people have already taken this international exam. Dr. Alfiya Salkhenova, Director of the Center, has told about the general results of her work.

During her visit to Astrakhan State University, Ms. Virginie Tellier has been present at a DALF exam delivered at our University. She has remarked that the exam has been arranged at a high level.

Obtaining a diploma of an international exam in French as a foreign language provides an opportunity of further education in France. Besides, such a diploma provides a considerable advantage in case of participation in the French government’s grants. Students of Astrakhan State University have a unique opportunity to take a DELF-DALF exam, which contributes to their employment at the national and the international labor markets.



Russian original information and photo source: the Chair of Romanic Philology of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)