Faculty of Department of World Economy & Management Consults Young Entrepreneurs

Faculty of Department of World Economy & Management Consults Young Entrepreneurs

One more meeting of the Coordination Council of Small & Middle-Size Entrepreneurship Development at the City Mayor has been held; graduates of the School of Young Entrepreneurs have defended their projects at this meeting.

Dr. Ella Skobleva (Dean of ASU’s Department of World Economy & Management), as well as Dr. Ekaterina Vostrikova and Dr. Anna Meshkova from the Chair of Economical Theory, has been invited to the meeting as an expert.

The School of Young Entrepreneurs was launched in February 2014; 40 students of Astrakhan’s high schools have become its trainees. For four months, the young people visited its classes and trainings delivered by professional psychologists, economists, reps of legal authorities, and by professors of our University. The defense of the trainees’ projects has become the final of their studies. The contest jury has also included entrepreneurs who acted as potential investors of the defended projects.



The curriculum in Economics and in business studies has been under special consideration during this meeting. Faculty of the Department of World Economy & Management shall continue taking part in the School of Young Entrepreneurs

Russian original information and photo source: the Department of World Economy & Management of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)