Granting Diplomas at Department of Extra Professional Education

Granting Diplomas at Department of Extra Professional Education

An official ceremony of granting diplomas to graduates of ASU’s Department of Extra Professional Education has been held.

Dr. Nailya Remizova, Dean of the Department, has given a congratulating speech; she pointed out that this is already the 27th group of graduates of the Department. For many years, her Department has been focused on meeting the regional needs in staff reserve formation. The Dean has thanked the faculty for their cooperation and wished the graduates to achieve further progress and career growth.



Let us congratulate our graduates!

Russian original information and photo source: Saida Batyrova (the Department of Extra Professional Education of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)