2014 Masters

2014 Masters

In late June 2014, an official ceremony of granting diplomas to graduates of master courses has been held.

The ceremony has been opened by Prof. Galina Stefanova, First Vice Rector of ASU. In her speech, she emphasized the fact that the level of our master programs meets EU standards. According to her, a master diploma obtained at ASU confirms a high professional level of its holder and helps them find a good job; a large number of graduates of master courses contributed to prestige of Astrakhan State University.

It was in 2002 that the first group of masters graduated from Astrakhan State University; that was due to Russia’s joining the Bologna Process in 1999. Since then, two-level training in 28 specialties within 53 master programs has already become a tradition for ASU. In accordance with the most modern demands of the regional and the national labor markets, more and more new master programs have been launched at ASU; their syllabi were constantly being enhanced, and requirements towards a good master thesis have undergone considerable changes. As for this year, about 500 graduates have become masters; many of them have obtained cum laude diplomas.

A performance of the famous students’ hymn “Gaudeamus” has made the event especially remarkable. A holiday atmosphere has dominated the entire ceremony, and bright concert numbers has contributed a lot to that. Some of those numbers have been prepared by graduates themselves.

On behalf of all the new masters, Ms. Irina Dzhalmambetova, a graduate of the Department of Philology & Journalism, has given a speech of thanks: “It’s a great honor for me to thank faculty and managers of our University on behalf of all of us for such bright and memorable years of our studies here. Our University became a real second home for us. It’s our family that inspires us, that makes us feel beauty and harmony. Not only we got a smart higher education that’s so necessary for our careers – we got cool opportunities for our personal development. Our faculty’s professional level is superb; they’re so devoted to their work; they do their utmost to help each student find what’s necessary personally for him or for her. I’d like to express the warmest thanks to our professors who taught us to work hard and persistently, who gave us a precious skill to achieve the set goals”.

Let us congratulate our graduates!

Russian original information source: Dmitriy Bychkov (the Press Service of ASU)
Russian original photo source: Elena Fedyulina (the TV Media Center of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)