Ex-Rector of ASU Dies at 84

Ex-Rector of ASU Dies at 84

On August 24, 2014, Professor Valeriy Pyatin, ex-Rector of Astrakhan State University, died at the age of 84.

Professor Valeriy Alexandrovich Pyatin was born on June 16, 1930, in the town of Simferopol. His father served in the Soviet Armed Forces.

Professor Pyatin’s entire life was dedicated to science and education. In 1952, he graduated from Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical Institute. Upon his graduation, he taught Geography at a secondary school; then he was a school director. Since 1962, he began to work as a university lecturer. His career started with a position of a junior professor; then he became a Dean in Chelyabinsk; after that he worked at Belgorod State Pedagogical University as Vice Rector for Academic Process; finally, he became Rector of Astrakhan State Pedagogical Institute (currently known as Astrakhan State University).

From November 1975 to June 2000, Professor Pyatin worked as a Rector of Astrakhan State Pedagogical Institute. It is thanks to him that our University has become a top research and educational center of Astrakhan Region. He also chaired the Council of Rectors of Astrakhan’s Higher Educational Institutions; he was a member of the Pardon Commission in Astrakhan Region.

Professor Pyatin was a bright and a talented mentor and researcher; he headed the Chair of Pedagogics of ASU for many years. His contribution into the training of top-level specialists is enormous. Over 20 people have successfully defended their PhD theses under his research supervision. His outstanding pedagogical and organizational talent has made it possible to form a well-known school of alternative educational technologies and to undertake researches in regional issues of education. Prof. Pyatin wrote numerous research and academic papers, which are relevant up to now.

Professor Pyatin’s researches have always been of great value for Astrakhan Region and for our University. He initiated the Education Development Program in Astrakhan Region, which became a basis to modernize our regional educational system.

For his outstanding achievements in research and education, Professor Pyatin was decorated with the Konstantin Ushinsky Medal, with the Order of Friendship, with the rank of the Honored University Professor of Russia, with the rank of Honored Educator of the Soviet Union, with the Order of the Badge of Honor, and with the order medal and the order “For Merit to Astrakhan Region”.

Professor Valeriy Alexandrovich Pyatin was highly respected by his colleagues; his authority was indisputable. His colleagues and numerous disciples will remember him as a high-class professional, as a talented organizer, as a most experienced researcher, and as a wise teacher, who would always care of our University and its people as a real father.

Colleagues, friends, and disciples shall always keep the memory of Professor Pyatin in their hearts.

The farewell ceremony shall take place on August 26 from 11.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m. at the Assembly Hall of Astrakhan State University (20a Tatischev Str.).

Russian original information source: Administration of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)