Health School Launched

Health School Launched

Astrakhan State University has launched the School of Sports, Physical Health, & Healthy Lifestyle. Two modern gyms, open-air sites, and a camp in the country – all those facilities are now available for our students and professors.

The main gym of the School is located on the ground floor of Hostel 3 at the main building of ASU. It is equipped with modern muscle-strengthening and aerobic training equipment, with a full set of all the necessary devices. Three sites (for volleyball, basketball, and badminton) are located near the main gym. A second gym is to be opened soon. It is located in the south-west of Astrakhan, near another hostel for our students. All the equipment will be installed there soon, and the gym will receive its first visitors.

As for the Sports Camp located about 20 miles from Astrakhan, the School has constructed a football and a volleyball site, sports facilities, and a vessel to make river voyages. The Camp will work up to the end of September.



Despite the fact that prices at the Health School are quite low, there are discounts for students and for professors – 75 % and 50 % respectively. Union members can visit the gyms twice a week for free. The gyms work from 09.00 a.m. to 09.00 p.m. every day, except for Sunday.

The School of Sports, Physical Health, & Healthy Lifestyle was projected as a means to involve students, professors, and other staff members in sports activities. In September, when the academic year starts and a lot of students begin their studies, this goal will certainly be achieved.

For additional information please contact: +7-85-12-610-978.

Russian original information and photo source: Yuri Garanov (the Press Service of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)