Federal Minister Highly Assesses Transformations at ASU

Federal Minister Highly Assesses Transformations at ASU

Mr. Dmitry Livanov, Minister of Education & Science of the Russian Federation has visited Astrakhan State University. An excursion of University facilities has been arranged for the distinguished guest; Mr. Alexander Zhilkin (Governor of Astrakhan Region) and Prof. Alexander Lunyov (Rector of ASU) have been his guides.

During his visit to Astrakhan Region, the Minister has taken part in the final conference of the traditional August pedagogical ten-day event “System of Education as Base of Regional Development” that has been held at the Assembly Hall of ASU. His visit to ASU began with watching a large university building that is currently under construction. He was shown the bowl of a large swimming pool that will be one the most modern pools in our Region. While visiting the Student Hotel Facility, the Minister has highly assessed equipment of our medical center and numerous profiles of our clinic. Ekaterina Shevchenko, a student of our Department of Social Communications, has told the guest about accommodation conditions at university hostels (where she herself lives); she remarked that they are really of high level. Mr. Livanov was also shown the university restaurant “Clear Water”, its main hall and its kitchen that is equipped with an advanced water filtration system (thanks to which the restaurant bears its name).

“The University is developing. It’s not only because all its facilities look very modern – its educational process is developed well”, Mr. Livanov said. “The new building whose construction will be finished soon will make positions of ASU more solid”.

After the excursion, the Federal Minister went to the conference that discussed professional tasks and issues of education in Astrakhan Region.

According to Natalia Beschastnova, Deputy Regional Minister of Education & Science, the fact that the Federal Minister of Education & Science has come to the conference confirms that Astrakhan Region makes considerable progress within the scale of the entire national system of education. As for Mr. Livanov himself, he has confirmed this fact in his speech; he pointed out that Astrakhan is among Russia’s leaders in a number of national educational projects. That is why it was not by chance that it is Astrakhan State University that was chosen to host the conference, since it is one of South Russia’s top educational, innovative, and research centers.

Russian original information source: Vladislav Yakovlev, Yuri Garanov (the Press Service of ASU)

Russian original photo source: Tatyana Vorontsova (the TV Media Center of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)