Objective USE as Essential Condition to Enhance Education

Objective USE as Essential Condition to Enhance Education

Astrakhan State University has hosted a regional meeting to discuss outcome of the 2014 Unified State Examination. Mr. Sergey Kravtsov, Head of the Federal Service for the Supervision of Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor).

The meeting has been held at the Assembly Hall of Astrakhan State University; its theme was “Outcomes of Unified State Examination in 2014 in Astrakhan Region”. Faculty staff and management of Astrakhan’s educational institutions have discussed issues and achievements of the 2014 USE campaign together with Mr. Vitaliy Gutman, the Regional Minister of Education & Science, and Mr. Sergey Kravtsov, Head of the Rosobrnadzor.

The meeting agenda included ways to enhance objectivity of the USE and to improve the national educational system. According to Mr. Kravtsov, the 2014 campaign has shown objective results, which the vectors of the Russian education development will certainly demonstrate as well.

“The USE results have been somewhat lower in 2014 throughout the whole country. That’s due to a stricter control of the checkup procedure”, Mr. Kravtsov said. “We shouldn’t say it’s bad that they’re lower now. They’re as they are. Now we should enhance the system of education and its quality. We need objective results. If we don’t have any, we can’t enhance the educational system”.

Dr. Lyudmila Tovarnichenko, Executive Secretary of the Admission Commission of ASU, has given a speech to demonstrate how USE results can indicate the quality of general education for universities.

After the meeting, a whole number of tasks set for the Regional Ministry of Education & Science, for Astrakhan’s secondary schools, colleges, and universities has been formulated. To enhance the system of education in 2015, graduates of secondary schools and colleges will see a lot of new things: the so-called Presidential Essay (it will be their permit to take the USE), an open bank of tasks, and a changed procedure of examinations. Anyone will be able to take an exam in a particular discipline right after its full coverage.

Before the meeting, Rector Lunyov showed our University to Mr. Kravtsov. The distinguished guest has seen our students’ hostels, a preventive clinic, the Clear Water Restaurant, the TV Media Center, lecture halls, and labs. Mr. Kravtsov has been pleased with a high level of our infrastructure.

Russian original information source: Yuri Garanov (the Press Service of ASU)

Russian original photo source: Tatyana Antropova (the TV Media Center of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)