Practical Training on Supercomputers

Practical Training on Supercomputers

Students of Astrakhan State University’s Department of Mathematics & Information Technologies have learnt how to operate unique equipment for high-end calculations.

In early September 2014, undergraduate students covering the bachelor program “Applied Mathematics & Information Science” at ASU have taken part in a practical workshop at the St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO), which is Russia’s top university in the field of ICT. Their visit to St.-Petersburg has become possible thanks to Dr. Marina Kolomina, Associate Professor of ASU’s Chair of Applied Mathematics & Information Science, who suggested that the students went to the workshop “Technologies of High-End Calculations & Computer Modeling: BigData World” to be held in St.-Petersburg. The receiving party has made up a special schedule for our students, considering with the level of their proficiency. During their practical training, our students had to grasp theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of supercomputer calculations.

The first day of training has included the lecture “Fundamentals of High-End Calculations”. Then our students wrote their first threaded programs by means of the MPI technology. They learnt much about OpenMP; they were given a master class to create 3D contents for virtual-reality systems. They could also create their own computer game based on the obtained knowledge. At the end of the training, they were given a lecture in economic and legal aspects of software development and application.

During their last training day, our students were taken to a guided tour; they were shown such systems as a simulator for MiG military aircraft, a human anatomic atlas, as well as a unique lab to forecast emergency situations. The ITMO faculty staff has thanked our people for their active work and high motivation that they have displayed.
Russian original information source: Gulzhan Utegenova
Russian original photo source: Marina Kolomina
Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)