Energy Efficiency for Russian Regions

Energy Efficiency for Russian Regions

On September 11, the Institute of Continuing Education of Astrakhan State University held a round-table talk whose theme was “Energy Efficiency in Russia: Development of Personnel Potential in Regions”. It has been held jointly with the St.-Petersburg State University of Economics as a part of the 3rd International Energy Forum “ENES-2014”. The range of the event participants has included trainees covering the retraining program related to energy efficiency that is delivered at ASU.

Professor Valentin Galenko, who is in charge of implementing energy efficiency projects in South Russia, has given a welcome speech. Summing up the progress made by our trainees, he has remarked that their motivation level is high; he has told about implementation of energy efficiency programs in southern regions of Russia.

Ms. Olga Boyprav from Astrakhan Region’s Ministry of Housing & Communal Services has concerned the most crucial points that arise during the project implementation. She has told about the regional program of energy saving adopted in Astrakhan Region, as well as about actions taken by the Ministry to provide an efficient realization of the federal program “Energy Efficiency & Development of Power Industry” till 2020.

Special attention has been paid to completing energy declarations for budget-financed organizations. This aspect has been covered by Dr. Larissa Zaynutdinova, Head of ASU’s Chair of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, & Automatics.

Discussion of practical projects related to energy saving implemented in Astrakhan Region has also been included into the event agenda. This issue has been reported by Mr. Rustem Zaynutdinov from the Research Lab “Alternative Energy”. His report has concerned the main areas of the project of solar power supply that is being implemented by his Laboratory.

As for other participants, there have been reps of Astrakhan Region’s both public and private organizations, which operate in most different areas: medical services, construction of public and dwelling buildings, public tariffs handling, communal services, etc.
Russian original information and photo source: the Institute of Continuing Education of ASU
Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)