Non-Stop Organizational Studies of Our Executives

Non-Stop Organizational Studies of Our Executives

Since early September 2014, the traditional organizational studies for executives of University have started. Every Monday Directors of our Institutes, Deans of our Departments, Heads of our Chairs, Chiefs of our Units, and Directors of our Centers gather together to study the world’s best practices, experience gained by successful organizations, and modern discoveries in various fields of science. This is one of our best-tested and most reliable technologies aimed to enhance and develop our human resources. The academic process arranged as a non-stop process helps not only reveal the current problems, but also introduce modern tools quickly to achieve the proper quality right at the first attempt. It is this form of studies that helps our executives find efficient solutions to relevant problems promptly.

In September 2014, the organizational studies concerned the book by David E. Scharff “Object Relations Theory and Practice”. Our executives have learnt its categories and notions, as well as essence and specific features of this theory. The very process of organizational studies was standardized as per the following scheme:



The final class has been held on October 13; it was a practical workshop to discuss opportunities of applying the ideas of the object relations theory in our educational activities. At first, the meeting was inspired mostly by those experts who assumed the role of leaders in learning the theory during a month. As a result of an active discussion, the mechanisms and the tools that could contribute to enhancing the educational process have been determined.


In particular, the meeting concerned issues of supervision, co-therapy, and the supportive environment. As a result of analyzing practical situations, it has been revealed that supervision can and must act as an efficient tool of professional growth and improving skills of both mature and young lecturers. The main tasks of supervision in education are help to develop a personal style of teaching, gaining of professional experience (developed skills of delivering classes of different types), and analysis of real cases from pedagogical practices.


During interactive studies, their participants could easily understand how the co-therapy process can be applied as a base of innovative educational technologies. New efficient tools of co-teaching have been revealed and formulated thanks to an arranged brainstorm session. The obtained knowledge of formation and functioning of an individual’s endopsychic structure, of internal object relations have helped realize the meaning of the gender-age approach in teaching, the necessity to involve both students and their potential employers into this process, and the importance of delivering integrated classes by specialists in various fields of science. The necessity to arrange the so-called “supportive environment” has been emphasized.

The next cycle of organizational studies shall start on October 20. It shall be related to issues of management.
Russian original information source: Angelina Fadina (the Unit of HR Development of ASU)
Russian original photo source: Tatyana Vasilyeva (the TV Media Center of ASU)
Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)