Interethnic Friendship as Necessary Condition for Astrakhan Region’s Unity

Interethnic Friendship as Necessary Condition for Astrakhan Region’s Unity

In late November 2015, the roundtable talk “Consolidated Unity of Russia’s Ethnic Communities in Astrakhan Region” has taken place at the Astrakhan Regional Scientific Library; people of Astrakhan State University have taken part in it, too.

This event has united people specializing in scientific researches, in education, in the cultural sphere, and in the public administration sector; it aimed to discuss present-day moral and ideological issues that the Russian society faces, as well as issues of education and respect towards the world artistic culture and ethnic traditions.

Mr. Vladislav Vinogradov, Chief of the Internal Policy Directorate of the Regional Governor’s Administration, has given a welcoming speech. “Each and every resident of Astrakhan Region has an “Astrakhan” chromosome, thanks to which we are united despite any obstacles”, he has pointed out.

Mr. Sergey Voronov, Chief of the Interethnic Unit of the Internal Policy Directorate of the Regional Governor’s Administration, has dedicated his speech to present-day moral and ideological issues of the Russian society. According to him, consolidated spiritual unity of the Russian people and development of their ethnic and cultural diversity is of top importance for the national security policy.

As for Prof. Lyudmila Baeva, Dean of Astrakhan State University’s Department of Social Communications, she has concerned the issue of cultural security of Astrakhan Region, as this issue plays the key role in a peaceful coexistence of different religious confessions residing in our Region. She has emphasized that it is necessary to do one’s best to prevent any religious or ethnic conflict, as well as any decline in human spirituality or destruction of religious sites; it is also crucial to support the national security by developing cultural self-conscience.

Dr. Natalia Marisova, Associate Professor of ASU’s Chair of Studies & Researches in Culture, has shared her experience in formation of moral values within the youth environment. According to her, it is necessary to sustain efficient funding for the sphere of education and culture. To develop this point, Ms. Irina Shumilova, who heads the Unit of Research & Methodical Activities of the Astrakhan Regional Scientific Library, has told about the public need for literature written in languages of various ethnic communities.

Ms. Lyubov Kholova, who is covering the master program “Cultural Studies” at ASU, has told the audience about scientific projects by our students aiming to research Astrakhan Region’s ethnic heritage, as well as about newly-launched portals informing of our Region’s history and culture.

At the end of the roundtable, its moderator Ms. Elena Rumako, who heads the Legal Information Center of the Astrakhan Regional Scientific Library, has remarked that the main factor to provide peoples’ unity is family, as it is the primary social institution that forms the human conscience.

Russian original information and photo source: K.R. Ekshembeeva (the University Web Resources Information Support Laboratory of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)