Personal Exhibition of Artistic Works by Alexander Petrov

Personal Exhibition of Artistic Works by Alexander Petrov

On January 27, 2016, a personal exhibition of artistic works by Mr. Alexander Petrov, Honored Artist of Russia, a member of the Union of Russian Artists, and Head of the Chair of Graphical Design of Astrakhan State University, took place at the Art Salon of ASU.

This exposition is dedicated to Mr. Petrov’s 60th birthday; it includes about 100 works. His friends, colleagues, and students came to congratulate him and get aesthetic pleasure by watching his works of art.

Ms. Galina Zoteeva, Minister of Culture & Tourism of Astrakhan Region, opened the official part of the event. Besides wishing Mr. Petrov to conquer new peaks in his creative activities, she granted him a Diploma of Honor on behalf of the Governor of Astrakhan Region. As for Ms. Lyudmila Karavaeva, Chairperson of the Astrakhan Branch of the Union of Russian Artists, she remarked that she knows Mr. Petrov not just as a smart artist, but also as a real friend. “It’s not by chance that his birthday and the appulse have coincided; that witnesses for Mr. Alexander Petrov’s significance and uniqueness”, she summarized her congratulating speech. In her turn, Dr. Natalya Andryushina, Dean of the Department of Architecture & Design of Astrakhan State University, pointed out that Mr. Petrov is an outstanding teacher and mentor, that his students respect him a lot. Indeed, Mr. Petrov’s students congratulated him after their Dean’s speech warmly and sincerely.

As for Mr. Petrov himself, after thanking everyone for their warmhearted congratulations, he told them about the exhibition. The guests could fully evaluate versatility of his works of art and enjoy both his paintings and graphics.

Let us congratulate Mr. Petrov on his birthday!

Russian original information source: K.R. Ekshembeeva (the University Web Resources Information Support Laboratory of ASU)

Russian original photo source: T.I. Antropova (the TV Media Center of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)