Our Mathematician Students Reach 2nd Stage of IT Planet – 2015/2016

Our Mathematician Students Reach 2nd Stage of IT Planet – 2015/2016

Outcomes of the initial stage of the 9th International Competition in the sphere of ICT “IT Planet – 2015/2016” have been recapped.

During the initial stage, participants from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kirgizia, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, and Finland have had to complete online tests in nine contests within such nominations as Programming, Databases, Telecom, and Freeware & Robotics.

As for people of Astrakhan State University, the following students of our Department of Math & IT have reached the second stage:

Vadim Gudonis (in the nomination “1C Programming: Enterprise 8”);

Nikita Kalyuzhniy (the competition “Programming: Java” by the Oracle Company);

Dmitri Kharitonov (the competition “Programming: Java” by the Oracle Company);

Maria Parameeva (the competition “Programming: SQL” by the Oracle Company).

Alexey Godov (in the nomination “1C Programming: Enterprise 8”).

The 2nd stage of the International Competition is to be held in March 2016. Let us wish our five students good luck!

Russian original information source: the Department of Mathematics & Information Technologies of ASU

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Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)