Contest in Russian Bench Press

Contest in Russian Bench Press

The School of Sports, Physical Development, & Healthy Lifestyle operating at Astrakhan State University has arranged a contest in Russian bench press (i.e. bench press for a number of times with a different weight each time).

Mr. Sergey Popov, Director of the School, has been the main referee.

All the participants have shown good results. This is the list of the winners:

Male students:

1st place – A. Kiselyov, a 3rd-year-student (coefficient 28.2);

2nd place – T. Nurmukhamedov, a PhD student (coefficient 27);

3rd place – D. Ibragimov, a 4th-year-student (coefficient 25.3).

Male staff members:

1st place – Alexander Kondratyev, Vice Rector for Administrative Affairs & Capital Construction (coefficient 36.4);

2nd place – Alexey Chelyakov, Deputy Director of the School of Sports, Physical Development, & Healthy Lifestyle (coefficient 12.7).

Female students and staff members:

1st place – Natalia Dorosheva, Manager of the School of Sports, Physical Development, & Healthy Lifestyle (coefficient 6.7);

2nd place – Alisa Dolotkazina, Key Specialist of the School of Sports, Physical Development, & Healthy Lifestyle (coefficient 6.3);

3rd place – Anna Kalashnikova, Engineer of the Chair of Graphical Design (coefficient 2.7).

All the winners have got medals and diplomas, which the School of Sports, Physical Development, & Healthy Lifestyle of ASU has granted them.

Let us congratulate the winners!

Russian original information source: the School of Sports, Physical Development, & Healthy Lifestyle of ASU

Russian original photo source: T.I. Antropova (the TV Media Center of ASU)


Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)