Shrovetide Excursion for Future Geographers & Geologists

Shrovetide Excursion for Future Geographers & Geologists

In early March 2016, students of the Department of Geography & Geology of Astrakhan State University have been to the Folk Crafts Estate located in the village of Evpraksino not far from the city of Astrakhan.

Our students have visited workshops of manual weaving, knitting, fulling, braiding from natural materials, as well as a pottery workshop, where they learnt much about the folk crafts that are traditional for this village. They also took part in an entertaining program related to the upcoming Shrovetide: they sang holiday humorous rhymes, danced and sang in a ring, played traditional Shrovetide games, ate pancakes, and drank tea from a wood-burning samovar.

This has been a good chance for them to learn a lot about Russian ethnic arts and crafts.

Russian original information and photo source: the Department of Geography & Geology of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)