Discussion in Sociology & Marketing

Discussion in Sociology & Marketing

On March 14, 2016, the Roundtable “Modern Market of Sociological & Marketing Research in Astrakhan Region: Players’ Opinions & Customers’ Demands” has taken place at the Astrakhan Regional Scientific Library; people of Astrakhan State University have taken part in it.

This event has been arranged by the MIRACULUM Research Group as a part of the Russian Research Week. It aimed to improve relationship between the participants of this market, determine its current state, discuss ways to tackle the relevant economic issues, and share opinions between local customers.

The roundtable has united management of Astrakhan Region’s business companies, reps of local legal authorities, journalists, and faculty and research staff of educational institutions. As for our University, it has been represented by staff of our Chair of Sociology and Center of Sociological Researches.

Our sociologists have actively participated in a discussion that concerned essential issues of interaction between customers and contractors of sociological and marketing researches; they have shared their experience of applying methods of Applied Sociology in their everyday work and set up contacts with their potential partners.

Russian original information source: the Center of Sociological Researches of ASU

Photos by MIRACULUM research group

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)