Spring Forum of Young Agrarians

Spring Forum of Young Agrarians

On March 30, 2016, the Spring Fair of Vacancies for future specialists in agriculture has taken place at Astrakhan State University.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery of Astrakhan Region has backed this event. Its officials, as well as staff of Astrakhan’s employment agencies and students of a number of Astrakhan’s educational institutions, have played an active role in the Fair.

Professor Ravil Arykbaev, Dean of the Agrarian Department of Astrakhan State University, has given a welcoming speech. He pointed out that today’s labor market seeks talented, goal-oriented specialists – agronomists, veterinarians, economists, managers of agricultural facilities, and agricultural machine operators. Fortune will favor those who do not only have the right professional competencies, but are also prepared to assume responsibility and have good background knowledge.

Mr. Andrey Timofeev, Astrakhan Region’s First Deputy Minister of Agriculture & Fishery, has remarked that the regional agriculture is an advanced industry, and large-scale changes are taking place there now: new technologies are introduced and modern equipment is purchased. That is why there is a real need for specialists with up-to-date knowledge and the necessary professional competencies. Thus, there are numerous career growth opportunities for young specialists in agriculture.

Reps of Astrakhan Region’s Veterinary Service have told their young audience about careers in the field of animal breeding. As for reps of educational institutions, they told much about the necessity to train highly qualified specialists: in particular, students ought to obtain substantial practical training at agricultural enterprises and facilities; the educational process ought to consider with requirements of today’s labor market towards young specialists’ professional competencies, etc.

The official part of the Fair was followed by numerous talks between students and their future employers about future employment.

Russian original information source: the Center of Career Panning of ASU

Russian original photo source: the Ministry of Agriculture & Fishery of Astrakhan Region; the TV Media Center of ASU


Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)