Festival of Student Socialization Projects Complete

Festival of Student Socialization Projects Complete

On May 05, 2016, the official closing ceremony of Season 7 of the Festival of Student Socialization Projects “Stage Adaptation of World Poetry” took place at Astrakhan State University.

The Festival took place in March and April 2016. There was a draw for our teams of young scene players to choose a poetic theme at random and present it on the scene. The young people were free to choose their own way to stage and interpret the selected work of art.

Mr. Sanan Gamidov, Chief of the Unit of Strategic Planning & Student Projects Management of ASU, thanked all the teams and congratulated everyone on successful completion of the Festival. “After I read the book by William Deming, I paid attention to one of its fundamental principles – “remove barriers that rob the hourly worker of his right to pride of workmanship”. Now ASU does its best for our students to be proud of their University. In our turn, our professors are proud to deal with such talented young people!” Mr. Gamidov remarked.

The following Departments of ASU became nominees of the Festival: the Historical Department, the Chemical Department, the Biological Department, the Department of Psychology, and the Department of Architecture & Design.

The following Departments have become laureates of the Festival:

  • The Department of Philology & Journalism;
  • The Department of Social Communications;
  • The Department of Geology & Geography;
  • The Department of Pedagogics, Social Work, & Physical Training;
  • The Law Department;
  • The Department of Secondary Professional Education;
  • The Agrarian Department;
  • The Department of Physics & Technology;
  • The Department of Mathematics & Information Technologies;
  • The Department of World Economy & Management;
  • The Department of Business & Economy.

At the end of the Festival, the scene play “Woe from Wit” by Alexander Griboyedov (the well-known Russian poet and diplomat of the early 19th century) was staged. The range of actors included a Vice Rector, three Directors of ASU’s Institutes, two Deans, a Deputy Dean, two Heads of Chairs, and four Directors of ASU’s Centers. They proved that they are not only merited researchers and professors, but also good actors.

Let us congratulate the nominees and laureates of Season 7 of the Festival of Student Socialization Projects “Stage Adaptation of World Poetry”!

Russian original information and photo source: K.R. Ekshembeeva (University Web Resources Information Support Laboratory of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)