Presidential Program Trainees Visit Technopark of ASU

Presidential Program Trainees Visit Technopark of ASU

Trainees of the Presidential Program specializing in “Regional Management: Formation of Sustainable Competitive Advantages of Companies & Areas”, “Efficient Management in Healthcare: Training of Result-Oriented Management Teams for Regional Healthcare System”, and “Creation of Competitive Educational Areal Environment: Development Strategy for Innovative Education Systems & Institutions” have visited the Technopark of Astrakhan State University.

Prof. Marina Lozovskaya, Chief of ASU’s Directorate of Research & Innovative Activities, showed the visitors our Laboratory of Biotechnologies; she also told them about innovative methods in pharmaceuticals that the Technopark applies on a regular basis. The excursion also concerned the main fields of applied research activities that the Technopark of ASU performs: various researches in Microbiology that our labs undertake, trial and production of biologically active substance, cryoconservation of genetic materials, development and enhancement of technologies to reproduce valuable biological objects. As for our top-priority fields of research, they include new materials and nanotechnologies, bioengineering technologies, manufacturing products based on the Caspian littoral region’s natural raw materials, and ICT.

The visitors could see how particular innovative projects are being developed at the Technopark; those projects aim to provide cluster interaction, since the cluster-based approach is being introduced into Astrakhan Region’s economy actively. During the meeting, the trainees of the Presidential Program, who administer various institutions and organizations of Astrakhan Region, showed profound interest in establishing contacts with small innovative enterprises that operate at ASU.

Inclusion of such events into syllabi of the Presidential Program contributes to Astrakhan Region’s further economic development and stimulates partnership between various organizations, enterprises, and institutions.

Russian original information and photo source: the Institute of Strategy & Competitiveness of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)