Distinguished Delegation from Indonesia Visits ASU

Distinguished Delegation from Indonesia Visits ASU

A delegation of six distinguished guests from Indonesia has visited Astrakhan State University.

The delegation has included Mr. Mohamad Wahid Supriyadi (Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Indonesia to the Russian Federation), Mr. Kiki Tjahjo Kusprabowo (Minister Counselor for Economic Affairs), Mr. Darmawan Suparno (Minister Counselor in charge of the Information and Social Cultural Division (Head of Chancellery)), Mr. Heryono Hadi Prasetyo (Trade Attaché of the Indonesian Embassy), Mr. Abdullah Adiyaksa Bakti (the Administration Support of the Embassy), and Mr. Hari Soesanto (in charge of trade affairs).

An excursion up and down the University campus has been arranged for the distinguished guests: they have visited our students’ hostels, our preventive clinic, and the Clear Water restaurant. The Ambassador has remarked that accommodation and meals for our students are arranged at a high level – they are better than at Moscow’s higher educational institutions.

After the excursion, there has been an official meeting at the conference hall of ASU. Besides the Indonesian guests, Mr. Vitaliy Gutman (Astrakhan Region’s Minister for Education & Science), top officials of Astrakhan State University, and Indonesian citizens studying at ASU have come to the meeting.

After the mutual greetings, Mr. Supriyadi has remarked that over 300 Indonesian students study in Russia, whose Muslim population is the largest one in Europe. According to the Ambassador, many graduates of Indonesian schools would like to get a higher education outside their home country. In his opinion, Russia can provide very favorable conditions: the cost of studies and accommodation is relatively low if compared with other countries; Russian people are warm-hearted and hospitable. Mr. Supriyadi has also remarked that many Russian students study in Indonesia; he has invited young people of Astrakhan to study at Indonesian universities, which could offer a large variety of grants. Such academic exchanges would contribute to partnership relations between the two countries.

Dr. Nikolay Khurchak, Vice Rector for International Relations, has thanked the distinguished guests for their visit and said that he admires our foreign students’ progress in mastering the Russian language and other disciplines. He has assured the guests that Astrakhan State University is interested in developing its links with Indonesia, in particular – in increasing the number of Indonesian students at our University.

Mr. Vitaliy Gutman has also spoken much about the development of the bilateral relations. “I’m really glad these talks took place and we could show you ASU, which is our pride”, the Regional Minister said. “Astrakhan Region is open for cooperation in various fields, especially in education and science. May Indonesian girls’ charming smiles always be a smart decoration of this University!”

At the end of the meeting, the two parties have exchanged souvenirs.

Russian original information source: T.Yu. Gavrilkina (the Web Resources Information Support Directorate of ASU)

Russian original photo source: T.I. Antropova (the TV Media Center of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)