Our Masters Defend Their Theses in Political Science

Our Masters Defend Their Theses in Political Science

Students covering the master specialization “Political Science (program – Political Culture & Regional Studies)” at the Department of Social Communications of Astrakhan State University have defended their theses successfully.

The Certification Commission was chaired by Mr. Vladislav Vinogradov, Chief of the Directorate for Internal Policy of Astrakhan Region’s Administration. The Commission also included Prof. Lyudmila Baeva (Dean of the Department of Social Communications of ASU), Prof. Rafik Usmanov (Head of our Chair of Political Science & International Relations), and Dr. Leonid Podvoyskiy (an Associate Professor of our Chair of Philosophy). The Chairman highly assessed our students’ projects and defense speeches, as well as their analyses of relevant international and regional political issues. The defense procedure was accompanied with a vivid discussion of acute issues of present-day policy and international cooperation between different regions. Among our students, there were two citizens of Indonesia and a TV presenter of the local Astrakhan-24 channel.

The Chair of Political Science & International Relations specializes in training bachelors and masters, who come from a number of countries and areas. This year, students from Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, and Crimea have defended their bachelor papers successfully.

Let us congratulate our graduates on their successful defense of their projects, as well as the Chair of Political Science & International Relations!

Russian original information and photo source: the Department of Social Communications of ASU