Staff of Astrakhan Regional Veterinary Laboratory Covers Retraining Program at ASU

Staff of Astrakhan Regional Veterinary Laboratory Covers Retraining Program at ASU

The professional retraining program “Bacteriological Research in Veterinary” has been delivered at the Institute of Continuing Education of Astrakhan State University. It was intended for staff of the Astrakhan Regional Veterinary Laboratory, with which our Institute of Continuing Education has been in close cooperation for a long time.

The program was of definitely hands-on character: in particular, the trainees visited labs of our Technopark and the Leprosy Research Institute, where they could study the fundamentals of bacteriological diagnostics of infectious diseases.

It was Dr. Adilya Ayupova, an Associate Professor of ASU’s Chair of Ecology, Nature & Land Management, & Safe Vital Activities, a Doctor of Medicine, who developed this program.

Upon the completion of their retraining at Astrakhan State University, all the trainees obtained certificates of official standard.

Russian original information source: the Institute of Continuing Education of ASU