Adaptation Week for Future Specialists in Psychology & Conflicts Resolution

Adaptation Week for Future Specialists in Psychology & Conflicts Resolution

In late August 2016, the Adaptation Week for First-Year Students took place at the Department of Psychology of Astrakhan State University.

It is a good tradition at the Department to arrange such events for its newly-enrolled students to learn more about student life that awaits them.

The event agenda was developed so that the young people could not only get information about the history and modern life of our University, but also try themselves as participants of trainings, psychological games, presentations, and seminars. This time, they were only trainees, but soon they will have to present such events themselves – just as their senior fellow students, members of the Insight Psychological Club operating at ASU, who arranged the Adaptation Week for them.

The informal motto of the Adaptation Week was “it’s important for anyone to do something new every single day”. Following this idea, the event organizers changed the venue every day; they showed the new students buildings of ASU (including our new building behind the University HQ), our University Psychological Service, and the Correction & Development Children Rehabilitation Center, where our Chair of Applied Psychology is located. The students could meet their Dean, professors, and senior peers. Any meeting gave them something new: they could learn about our information resources, take part in a “psychological orchestra” and in a photo quest.

Summing up the event, its participants gave a positive feedback about it; they thanked its organizers for such a good opportunity to get to know each other and make friends.

Russian original information and photo source: the Department of Psychology of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)