Indian Delegation Visits ASU

Indian Delegation Visits ASU

On September 28, 2016, representatives of the Embassy of India to Russia visited Astrakhan State University.

Mr. Pankaj Saran, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of India to the Russian Federation, headed the delegation. Our distinguished guests’ visit aimed to learn more about Astrakhan State University as a leading university of the Russian South and identify major fields of further cooperation.

The Indian guests were shown the New Building of ASU: ultramodern auditoriums with interactive panels, rooms with mobile furniture that enables students and their professors to switch from individual work to teamwork and vice versa promptly, our swimming pool, our labs in Robotics, Physics, and Electronics, etc. “We integrated into the international educational space; we’re constantly implementing innovative approaches to arrange our educational process the best way possible. We aim to graduate qualified specialists who are competitive at the labor market, who have not just basic professional competencies, but also leadership qualities that one can acquire only by working in a team”, Prof. Alexander Lunyov, Acting Rector of ASU, remarked. Mr. Pankaj Saran said that he was very pleased to see top-level equipment in our New Building and its overall modern design, as well as to learn more about innovative technologies that ASU applies to teach its students.

During his visit, the Ambassador gave a lecture related to India’s modern political and economic challenges and achievements; the audience included our students – future sociologists, economists, lawyers, historians, etc.; he also gave a press conference for reps of Astrakhan Region’s mass media.

According to Dr. Nikolay Khurchak, Vice Rector for International Relations of ASU, Mr. Pankaj Saran assumed his current post this January, so he now visiting various Russian regions to learn more about their potential and develop bilateral Indian-Russian relations. Development of partnership between India and Astrakhan Region would contribute much to links between the two countries, especially joint activities concerning the International North–South Transport Corridor. Besides, Dr. Khurchak pointed out that the Indian party is interested in developing educational links with Astrakhan State University, which trains specialists to work at joint enterprises.

Russian original information and photo source: T.Yu. Gavrilkina (the Official Internet Portal Support Directorate of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)