Day of Open Doors at ASU

Day of Open Doors at ASU

The Day of Open Doors for our prospective students took part on November 13, 2016.

The traditional event included two shifts; about 1, 000 prospective students and their parents from all over Astrakhan Region took part in it. Our students met the guests at the entrance to the University building; they provided them with programs and profession orientation materials; they also accompanied them up and down the building.

День открытых дверей в АГУ

The official part of the event, which took place at the Assembly Hall of Astrakhan State University, was broadcast in two lecture halls in the live mode. Dr. Lyudmila Tovarnichenko, Executive Secretary of the Admission Commission of ASU, told the guests about the specific features of the upcoming 2017 Admission Campaign. The young people and their parents asked our University top management numerous questions about the admission and enrolment procedure. At the end of the event, there was a concert arranged by our students, as well as a contest of young talents. The guests could also talk with Deans and Heads of Chairs of the Departments they were interested in.

День открытых дверей в АГУ

Russian original information source: the Official Internet Portal Support Directorate of ASU

Russian original photo source: T.I. Antropova (the TV Media Center of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)